The carnivorous pitcher plants, or nepenthes, trap small,unsuspecting insects in their cylinder-shaped pitchers, whichare modified leaves. The insects are first attracted to the plant'snectar but then find themselves trapped, unable to climb up theslippery sides of the pitcher. The insect is then dissolved inan enzyme, allowing the plant to absorb precious nutrients.

Various species of pitcher plant are found in Sarawak. All havedifferent shapes, sizes and colours. Some grow close to the groundwhilst others hang from trees and branches. Pitchers are foundin nutrient poor soils areas - on high mountain slopes or in forestareas that are located on sandstone, white sand or peat.

Both Bako and Mulu National Parks are good places for spottingpitcher plants. At Bako, they are found at the side of the sandypaths and plankwalks of the plateau section of the Lintangtrail. Ten species of pitcher plant are found at Mulu, and a numberof these can be seen at the side of the trail that leads to thePinnacles.